This page contains software packages for our publications and work in progress
Missing_mass_bounds.zip - Matlab implementation of
A. Painsky, "Generalized Good-Turing for Improved Missing Mass Estimation",
Generalized_ICA.zip - Matlab implementation of
A. Painsky, S. Rosset and M. Feder, "Generalized Independent Component Analysis Over Finite Alphabets",
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2015
compressing_random_forests.rar - Matlab imlementation of
A. Painsky and S.Rosset, "Compressing Random Forests",
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2016
trees online.zip - Matlab imlementation of
A. Painsky and S.Rosset, "Cross-Validated Variable Selection in Tree-Based Methods Improves Predictive Performance",
TPAMI, 2016
Gaussian LB for IB Limit.zip - Matlab implementation of
A. Painsky and N. Tishby, "Gaussian Lower Bound for the Information Bottleneck Limit",
JMLR, 2017
CRCCA.zip - Matlab implementation of
A. Painsky, M. Feder and N. Tishby, "Non-linear Canonical Correlation Analysis: A Compressed Representation Approach"